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A sign stating "WILDFIRE DANGER VERY HIGH" with fire district logo.

Understanding Very High Wildfire Danger

Characteristics of Very High Danger:

  • Fires start easily from most causes, such as unattended campfires, discarded cigarettes, or equipment sparks.
  • Rapid fire spread and high intensity can occur, making fires difficult to control.
  • Fine fuels like dry grass and leaves ignite readily, and larger fuels like branches and logs contribute to intense fires.
  • Spot fires can occur from embers carried by the wind, extending the fire's reach.

Weather Influences:

  • Hot temperatures and very low humidity.
  • Strong, gusty winds that can fan flames and carry embers.
  • Prolonged dry spells, often during late summer or early fall.

Tips to Avoid Contributing to Wildfire Risk

Around Your Home and Property:

  1. Maintain Defensible Space: Create and maintain a buffer zone around your home.
    • Clear a 100-foot zone of flammable vegetation and materials.
    • Trim trees and shrubs regularly to reduce fuel load.
    • Keep grass short and well-watered.
  2. Use Fire-Resistant Materials: Build or retrofit homes with fire-resistant materials for roofs, walls, and decks.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Clean roofs and gutters of dead leaves, debris, and pine needles.

During Outdoor Activities:

  1. Avoid Campfires: Refrain from lighting campfires in high-risk areas.
    • If necessary, use designated campfire rings and keep fires small.
    • Always keep a bucket of water and shovel nearby to fully extinguish campfires.
  2. Proper Disposal of Smoking Materials: Use an ashtray for cigarette butts and ensure they are fully extinguished.
  3. Avoid Using Fireworks: Refrain from using fireworks in dry or grassy areas.

Safe Equipment Use:

  1. Check Equipment: Ensure lawnmowers, chainsaws, and off-road vehicles have spark arresters.
  2. Operate Safely: Avoid using equipment that generates sparks or heat in dry, grassy areas.

Burning Practices:

  1. Avoid Open Burning: Refrain from burning trash, debris, or fields during very high wildfire danger.
  2. Follow Local Regulations: Comply with all burning bans or restrictions.

Vehicle Safety:

  1. Avoid Parking on Dry Grass: Hot exhaust systems can ignite dry vegetation.
  2. Carry Fire-Suppressing Tools: Have a shovel, bucket, or fire extinguisher in your vehicle.

Reduce Flammable Materials:

  1. Store Flammables Safely: Keep firewood, propane tanks, and other flammable materials away from structures.
  2. Manage Vegetation: Trim branches and clear vegetation regularly.

Community Involvement:

  1. Work Together: Participate in community wildfire preparedness programs.
  2. Develop Emergency Plans: Establish and practice evacuation routes with neighbors and community members.

Emergency Preparedness

Prepare Your Home:

  1. Install Smoke Detectors: Ensure smoke detectors are working and properly placed.
  2. Have Fire Extinguishers: Keep fire extinguishers easily accessible and know how to use them.

Develop a Wildfire Action Plan:

  1. Evacuation Routes: Know multiple evacuation routes and have a family communication plan.
  2. Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential items (water, food, medications, etc.).
  3. Stay Informed: Monitor local news, weather updates, and wildfire reports.

Stay Vigilant:

  1. Report Fires: Immediately report any signs of fire to local authorities.
  2. Follow Evacuation Orders: If ordered to evacuate, do so promptly and follow official instructions.

Resources and Further Reading:

  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): Wildfire Safety Tips
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): How to Prepare for a Wildfire
  • Wildfires

By taking these precautions during periods of very high wildfire danger, you can significantly reduce the risk of starting or spreading wildfires and enhance the safety of your community.

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